Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thing 5 - RSS Findings

In my couple of months of exploring RSS Feeds I am learning that you need to go back and clean things up. I am finding that I can't keep up with all my feeds. If I let it go for a couple days, all of the sudden I have over 200 feeds. It starts to get a bit overwhelming. I am starting to take note of blogs that maybe I stumbled across and thought it would be great to follow and they aren't really that great. So my advice so far... don't sign up for everything. Start to take note of blogs you really like and edit frequently.

Thing 4 - RSS Feeds

I have actually been using RSS Feeds for a while. I have had the opportunity to become fluent on many different types of devices as well. I origionally used the website "Blogger" to read various blogs. About 4 months ago I began using Google Reader as an RSS feeder and at about the same time I began exploring different RSS Feed apps for my iPhone. I discovered several that are cool but settled on a great app called Feeddler Pro. Most feeder apps use a reader like Google Reader to bring the information to the app. Recently, I just picked up an iPad2 and have started looking for a nice RSS Feeder that utilizes the larger screen and looks really nice. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear from ya.

Thing 3 - Explore what it means to be a lifelong learner.

Create a new post on your blog about why your hardest and easiest habits are what they are for you, and what things you can do to get better at the hardest one. Why is the easiest one so easy for you?

Habit number 5 (Teach/Mentor Others) is the most difficult habit for me. I find that when dealing with the subject of technology I am very confident and take a leadership role quite frequently. Outside of technology within the subject of music I find that there are times where I doubt my leadership with other teachers thinking to myself that there are better options than me. I find this a bit strange to put this category in my difficult habit because I have been a mentor but, sometimes I am surprised that I would be asked to be a mentor. Ways that I could improve on this would be by first and foremost gaining confidence as a mentor teacher. I think that being a musician I have placed myself in a very humble role understanding that there are always better educators/musicians out there but I need to really reflect on the fact that I am a competent musician / educator and have the capacity to be a great mentor as well.

Habit number 6 (Use technology to your advantage.) is the easiest. It is the easiest because I have always had a strong interest in technology of all kinds. I am always trying to figure out new and creative ways I can use it within my classroom and to inspire learning.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thing 2: Three Questions About Blogs maybe 4

  • What makes a good blog?
The first thing I think about when I am thinking of a good blog is something that is well written but still makes a connection with the reader.  It doesn't sound like it's coming out of a text book.  It has strong human qualities to it so that I (the reader) can make a connection.  
  • How could a blog enhance your existing school web site?
I think that blogs can enhance school web sites by adding the personality to teachers and buildings. Our district isn't just a set of buildings, it is all the people in it from support staff to administration, teachers to students, and even our community.  Everyone in this district has a voice and that voice is what moves our ideas.  Blogs can give a school web site the voice of the general population.
  • Are blogs an easier way for people to self-publish?
Blogs are a huge way for people to self-publish.  I have seen people who have very popular blogs that have become famous and the only thing they needed was a way to put their words on the web. Blogs give any person the opportunity to be heard.  With that being said, we must remember that anyone can post a blog.
  • Reflect on your initial thoughts about the Read/Write Web (aka Web 2.0) and its role in 21st Century teaching and learning.
I am very excited about exploring Web 2.0 even more.  I think this could have a huge impact on how we teach.  Wiki's and blogs are such an easy but real effective way to collaborate with students.  I am considering using a podcast for Music performances we do to use as concert evaluation materials or even for parents who couldn't make it to get the performance via the web.

23 Things - The First Thing

I find it interesting that I have felt very confident about my internet prowess until recently.  I have let new technology slip in the area of the web.  Web 2.0 is not completely foreign to me but none the less, there are aspects of it that are fresh and very exciting.  I am hoping to learn even more about ways to utilize technology within my classrooms through this course.  Along the way, maybe I can use this blog to have some fun and even educate myself or others!

See you on the flip side.