Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thing 12 - Assessment/Evaluation and Survey Tools

#1 - Survey/Quiz Using Google Docs
Setting up a survey/quiz using Google Docs is really easy.  The format is straight forward and the collection of data at the end is just as simple.  I actually wrote and posted a questionnaire on the spot in the last 10 minutes of class while we were in the media center and by the time the students left, I had 28 immediate feedback quizzes from my students from a form that didn't even exist at the beginning of class.  This shows how easy and quick this program can be.  I actually used Moodle as the place where I posted the quiz web address because all my students have active accounts for my theater classes.  Here are some of the results.

#2 - Create a rubric using Rubistar
I have never used this program until this evening.  I really like the various preset rubrics it has so you can personalize categories for what your group needs (I really like that there are actually music choices).  The rubric I created is one I am going to begin using for individual student evaluation of their own solo and duet performances.  The students will perform their solo/duets and the group will evaluate each performance using this rubric as a guideline.  This will also help them to develop an awareness of what is expected of a great choral performance.

#3 -  FERPA/HIPAA and Data Warehousing
    FERPA/HIPAA is something that we as teachers must take very seriously.  We need to make sure that a students information is protected with the care and seriousness that their medical data is protected.  We must make sure that when requests are made to the school in regards to student data that we know how stringent time lines are and what can and cannot be shared.
     The data warehousing tool I have been using on a very high level is the course management serves called Moodle.  I have been using this application for almost two full years and it has become a very integral part of my lesson plans and curriculum I have created for my band/choir/theatre courses.  The band section is the biggest section I have created.  We are using it as a platform to offer students access to all their music performed in class, scheduling information, handouts, and a platform for students being able to access quizzes/surveys created either created by Google Docs or in Moodle when they are assigned.  Here is a small snapshot of our MS/HS band Moodle site.

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