Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thing 6 - Differentiated Instruction and Diverse Learning

#1 - Differentiated Learning Assignment
As I look at this article I know there is so much more I can do to differentiate but I think I have a good start.  Currently here are some things I do to differentiate in my class.

  • Informal assessments
  • "I Can" statements
  • Entrance and Exit Slips.
  • Pre-testing
  • Flexible Grouping (especially in my theatre class)
#2 - Diverse Learning Assignment
Currently I have two students that have visual impairments.  Looking through the various technologies used to help support diverse learners, I think the digital text section has some great ideas.  Using eBooks could be great with the ability to have them enlarge text or even convert text to speech.  They could also manipulate text to create notes and web browsing to help understand unclear readings.  Overall I think this would be a great tool for the visually impaired.

#3 - Universal Design for Learning Assignment
I struggled with this portion of the assignment for a bit trying to figure out how this portion works.  I found that within the music section there were several assignments that caught my eye such as "
Elements of Music: Media, Genre, Form Texture
(Readability Level 5), "Science Buddies: Movie Music" (Readability Level 3), "Classics For Kids: Note Name Game" (Readability Level 2).  There is a great deal of difference in difficulty between the readability level 5 and the 3.  I think this resource could be helpful when trying to find assignments and learning activities when needing to differentiate in a classroom.

#4 - Text-to-Audio Conversion Assignment
The text to speech web 2.0 program called vozMe is a nice little web app.  I like that you can actually work in Spanish as well.  I could see this program being used for students that need things read to them.  Iinstead of reading things out loud, you could copy and paste the text and create an audio version for the student.  There are also some other cool web applications like this that include animation such as http://www.voki.com/ It essentially does the same thing as vozMe but also adds an animated person saying your text.  You can also do multiple people having a conversation.  Could be a nice teaching tool if used well.

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