Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thing 5 - Content Area Tools

Activity 1 for MS Theatre Class - Music in Movies: You Pick the Soundtrack
This activity falls into our MI Standards in Arts Education in Theatre - 
1.3. - Lead small groups in planning rehearsals for improvised and scripted scenes.
    In this activity, teens are invited to consider how music contributes to a movie scene. Does it succeed or fail in making the viewer feel something? By taking on the role of director, teens will gain an increased understanding of how many decisions go into a movie scene. In addition to music, there’s the dialogue, plus the setting, the lighting, the camera angles, and more. By considering all that, your teen will begin to analyze (and appreciate) movies the way reviewers do.
     I would use this activity as a preset to moving into the Advanced Theatre class 9 week project.  The class would use this as a pre-assignment to get them familiar with filming and digital editing so when we do the final movie project they are familiar with equipment and the process.

Activity 2 for MS 6th Band/Choir - First Rhythmic Composition
This activity falls into our MI Standards in Arts Education in Music - 
3.4. - Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of one's own and others' performances, compositions, arrangements, and improvisations by applying specific and appropriate criteria and offering constructive suggestions for improvement.

    This lesson introduces students to rhythm concepts, including the names and symbols associated with music notation. Students will fill in a chart that outlines names and meanings of rhythmic musical symbols. Then, using these symbols, they will clap rhythm sequences and compose their first compositions. They will also compare these rhythmic sequences to math concepts.
    I would use this activity as a follow up after we have done our beginning lessons on music notation.  It would be utilized as a reinforcement tool and a way to get into cross curricular activity with the discussion of math concepts compared to rhythmic sequences.

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